Day 22: The heart begins beating
Month 3: The heart becomes two-chambered, and cardiac jelly acts as a valve between the atria and ventricular areas
Month 5: The primitive atrium is divided in two by joining of several structures
Month 6: The atrial canal is divided into a right and left side by the atrioventricular septum, which originates from the union of the dorsal and ventral endocardial cushion. The right side of the atrial canal will become the tricuspid valve and the left will become the bicuspid valve
Month 8: When the cells of the truncal ridge meet with cells of the bulbar ridge, they twist around each other and fuse to form the aorticopulmonary septum.
Month 11: Heart valves are formed
Month 13: The two atria have been completely separated
Month 16: Ventricles are completely separated
Month 18: Heart finishes developing with all four chambers
Month 19: The heart has formed, with two atria and two ventricles and two great blood vessels to carry the blood from the heart (the aorta and pulmonary artery)
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